Midori has accompanied me through several years of learning Japanese and I have to say: I wouldnt like to miss it.
Search via radicals, Kanji, Kana, Romaji, inbuilt translatorlike mechanism, dictionary (which not only includes every Kanji and compound possible, but also the older Hantaiji), and most important: lots of lots of example sentences.
Unlike other dictionaries, you will most certainly find a suitable translation for almost every term you search.
Furthermore, the flash card system is simply great. I have transfered the vocabulary and Kanji lession into it, which makes learning much much easier.
Highly recommendable for japanese learners in every grade.
To summarize: It replaces any dicitionary, kanji dictionary, flashcard system etc.
普通な日本語の学生 about Midori (Japanese Dictionary), v1.7.3